
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

ummm... Hello?

Well oh. my. goodness. I just realized I hadn't posted anything on here in FOREVER! So, I thought I'd fill you in on the action happening here at the casa del Frakes.

My daughter started middle school last week. MIDDLE SCHOOL! Holy crizap. I have a child in middle school. And while that should be enough for me to feel like an old old lady, what she said on the first day after school really threw me for a loop. As my daughter (my 6 lb. 11 oz. BABY GIRL!) climbed into my minivan (don't make fun), she looked at me with the sweetest widest, most innocent smile and exclaimed, "Middle school is the BEST THING THAT'S EVER HAPPENED TO ME!" And I quote. Wha..? REALLY? I think I was the most miserable child on the face of the planet, because I am CERTAIN that was not my initial response to middle school. But God love her, it was Abby's. And I could not be happier. Because this came from a child who came to WMS knowing a total of 2 kids from her elementary school (she had transferred) and just a handful of girls she met over the summer. My sweet girl makes friends very easily though, so my prayers were answered. Thank you Jesus.

My son on the other hand, he is another story. He is a GREAT kid. And he's young. So when he transferred schools, he was a little cranky. In fact, he still is. But he's resilient. And he'll get over it soon. I'm just sure of it. :)

NOW! For the muey importante stuff (don't let me kid you, I don't speak Spanish. Every kid made a good grade in Spanish in my fourth grade class.). This mama had a little adjusting to do of her own! Since I had been a stay at home mom for seven years, my heart had always been in my home. I worked (teaching) for the last four years out of necessity and because I LOVED my job. But our ultimate plan was for me to be back home as soon as we were financially stable and God called me out of the workforce. Last year I could feel the tug getting stronger and stronger to go back home. And here I am! Blessed, but left alone. Seriously, I've never been home alone all day. The first day of school was what I imagine the empty nest feeling like. I wandered around my house in a daze, not knowing what to do with all my new free time.

But life has a way of working itself out... and today I had a great day. I completed three things. Had coffee with a dear, old friend, ate lunch with my husband, and rearranged my boards on pinterest. Oh yes, I did. I would normally find that ridiculous. But I called it a victory that I filled every minute before I went to get the kids! Yippee!

Don't hate me. This will allow me more time now to write this blog and entertain you. :)

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